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- “Exercise training increases size of hippocampus and improves memory”:
- “Beyond its Psychiatric Use: The Benefits of Low-dose Lithium Supplementation” (e.g., on
bone and muscle mass:
- “The occurrence of lithium in the environment of the Jordan Valley and its transfer into the
food chain.” (Table 3 shows that 250–300 g of spinach contains 1.15–1.38 mg Li; thus, the
consumption of 250–300 g spinach day-1 per person would provide the citizens of Jordan
with the daily Li requirement.):
- “Microdose lithium treatment stabilized cognitive impairment in patients with Alzheimer's
disease” (our group evaluated the effect of a microdose of 300 μg, administered once daily
on AD patients for 15 months. In the evaluation phase, the treated group showed no
decreased performance in the mini-mental state examination test, in opposition to the lower
scores observed for the control group during the treatment, with significant differences
starting three months after the beginning of the treatment, and increasing progressively. This
data suggests the efficacy of a microdose lithium treatment in preventing cognitive loss,
reinforcing its therapeutic potential to treat AD using very low doses.):
- “Physiology, Power Output, and Racing Strategy of a Race Across America Finisher” (see
power-output versus heartrate in Figure 1):
https://michael-nehls.de/index_htm_files/Physiology, power output, and racing strategy of a Race Across America finisher..pdf
- Beschleunigte Alzheimer-Entwicklung nach mRNA-Injektion (der Artikel aus Seoul wird hier
ausführlich beschrieben):
- “Up-regulation of IL-6 and TNF-alpha induced by SARS-coronavirus spike protein in murine
macrophages via NF-kappaB pathway” (2007 publiziert zur Funktion von SARS-CoV-1):
Interleukin-6 (IL-6, durch Spike aktiviert) hemmt Hippocampus-Wachstum und korreliert
umgekehrt mit dem Hippocampus-Volumen: Mouihate A & Kalakh S: Maternal Interleukin-6
Hampers Hippocampal Neurogenesis in Adult Rat Offspring in a Sex-Dependent Manner. Dev
Neurosci 2021, 43:106-115:
Marsland AL et al:
Interleukin-6 covaries inversely with hippocampal grey matter volume in middle-aged adults.
Biol Psychiatry 2008, 64:484-490:
Dasselbe gilt für TNF-alpha (auch durch Spike aktiviert), es ist ebenso hirntoxisch:
Erhöhte Werte bei der werdenden Mutter sorgen für eine erhöhte angeborene
Angstneigung, wie Tierexperimente zeigen: